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可燃性 廢棄物의 플라즈마 熱分解 熔融處理에 관한 硏究

화이트보스 2016. 6. 9. 18:35

의 플라즈마 에 관한

원문 다운로드

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감사의 글
Abstract 15
1. 서론 19
2. 생활폐기물의 발생 및 국내외 처리기술 현황 22
2.1. 생활 폐기물 발생현황 22
2.2. 가연성 생활폐기물 처리현황 23
2.3. 생활폐기물 소각처리기술 23
2.4. 소각 처리 방식 25
2.4.1. 스토카 소각로 25
2.4.2. 유동상 소각로(Fluidized bed type) 27
2.4.3. 회전로 방식 소각로(Rotary kiln type) 28
2.5. 열분해(가스화) 용융 처리 방식 34
2.5.1. 푸셔(Pusher)형 가스화 용융방식 34
2.5.2. 회전(Rotary kiln)형 열분해 용융 방식(R-21) 35
2.5.3. 사프트(Shaft)형 열분해 용융방식(Dierct melting system) 37
2.5.4. 유동충(Fluidized bed)형 가스화 용융 방식 40
2.5.5. 열분해 용융 방식별 비교분석 42
3. 열분해(가스화) 용융반응에 대한 열역학적 분석 44
3.1. 열분해(가스화) 반응 분석 44
3.1.1. CO의 해리 O₂ 압 44
3.1.2. CO₂의 해리 O₂ 압 45
3.1.3. H₂O(g)의 해리 압 52
3.1.4. CO, CO₂, H₂, H₂O(g) 수성 가스의 해리 O₂압 55
3.1.5. CO, CO₂, CH₄, H₂, H₂O(g) 혼합가스의 해리 C압 또는 C 활량 59
4. 용융 특성 분석 83
4.1. Slag의 구조 83
4.1.1. 구조의 개념 84
4.1.2. Silicatc 용체의 구조 89
4.1.3. 슬래그 염기도의 정의 93
5. 폐기물 열분해 반응에 대한 고찰 96
5.1. 가스생성물 98
5.2. Oil 생성물 98
5.3. Char 생성물 99
6. 플라즈마 운전 특성 분석 103
6.1. 플라즈마 기술 103
6.2. 프라즈마 공정의 종류 104
6.3. 플라즈마 발생원 105
6.4. 플라즈마 토치 가스 105
6.5. 플라즈마 공정의 운전변수 106
6.5.1. 동력(Power level) 106
6.5.2. 온도 107
6.5.3. 압력 107
6.5.4. 처리량(throughput) 107
6.5.5. 다양한 폐기물에 대한 적용성 108
6.6. 플라즈마 기술의 환경공학적 응용 108
6.7. Plasma torch 효율분석 109
6.7.1. Similarity Criteria 109
6.7.2. Linear 플라즈마 토치의 공학적 계산을 위한 Program Package 113
7. 실험장치 및 방법 115
7.1. 실험 대상 폐기물 115
7.2. 실험 분석 설비 및 방법 116
7.3. 열분해 용융실험 특성 분석 118
7.3.1. 폐기물 투입량 118
7.3.2. 온도 및 압력변화 119
7.3.3. 열분해가스분석 120
7.3.4. Ash의 성분분석 122
7.3.5. 용융온도 123
7.3.6. 용융슬래그의 염기도 분석 124
7.3.7. 슬래그의 경시 변화 124
7.3.8. 슬래그중 중금속 용출 시험 124
7.3.9. 슬래그중 탄소 농도 분석 126
7.3.10. 전류/전압측정 127
7.3.11. 가스유량 127
7.3.12. 토치 전극 마모율 127
7.3.13. 토치효율 128
7.3.14. 배가기스 측정 128
7.3.15. Dioxin 분석 128
7.4. 실험설비 구성 및 특성 128
7.4.1. 실험설비의 구성 128
7.4.2. 실험방법 138
8. 실험결과 147
8.1. 열분해 용융 실험결과 147
8.1.1. 폐기물 투입량 147
8.1.2. 열분해실 운전 147
8.1.3. 용융로 운전실험 149
8.1.4. 슬래그중 중금속 용출 분석결과(ICP 분석,KEP법 용출기준) 153
8.1.5. 슬래그중 carbon 농도 분석 153
8.1.6. 냉각 슬래그 배출사진 154
8.1.7. 2차 연소실 운전상태 및 연소가스 체류시간 154
8.1.8. 플라즈마 토치 운전상태 155
8.1.9. 배기가스 측정 결과 157
9. 실험 결과에 대한 고찰 162
10. 결론 168
11. Reference 171
List of Figure
Fig. 2.1. Stoker type incinerator 26
Fig. 2.2. Fluidized bed incinerator 27
Fig. 2.3. Rotary kiln type 29
Fig. 2.4. Principle of Rotary kiln type 37
Fig. 2.5. Process of R-21 37
Fig. 2.6. Principle of DMS 38
Fig. 2.7. Principle of Ebara system 40
Fig. 2.8. Process of Ebara system 40
Fig. 3.1. Relationship between Pco₂/Pco(이미지참조) and P H₂o/P H₂(이미지참조) at equilibrium hydrogen gas phase 58
Fig. 3.2. Relationship between P(Pco +Pco₂) and boundouard curve 63
Fig. 3.3. Relationship between a c and boundouard curve(이미지참조) 64
Fig. 3.4. Relationship between pressure and equilibrium gas component at C(s) + CO₂ = 2CO reaction 66
Fig. 3.5. Relationship among CO, CO₂, A at CO+CO₂+A=100% 68
Fig. 3.6. Relationship between temperature and standard gibbs free energy at dissociation reaction of carbonize hydrogen gas 70
Fig. 3.7. Equilibrium curve at C(s) + 2H₂ = CHreaction 74
Fig. 3.8. Explain of equilibrium curve at C(s)+2Hz=CHreaction 75
Fig. 3.9. Relationship between pressure and component of equilibrium gas at C(s) + 2H₂ = CHreaction 76
Fig. 3.10. Relationship among temperature, a c and component of H₂, CHmixing gas(이미지참조) 77
Fig. 3.11. Carbon gasification equilibrium with pyrolysis temperature 81
Fig. 3.12. Carbon gasification equilibrium with pressure 82
Fig. 4.1. SiOcristobalite matrix 86
Fig. 4.2. expression of two dimensional 86
Fig. 4.3. Matrix of NaCl ion 87
Fig. 4.4. Vacancy model of ion acceptor 88
Fig. 4.5. Two dimenional expression of SiOglass 91
Fig. 4.6. Typical example of silicate formation 92
Fig. 6.1. Available energy of plasma and Fossil fuel according to working temperature 104
Fig. 6.2. Temperature distribution by plasma composition according to pressure 105
Fig. 6.3. Test result and calculation of straight and reverse polarity 112
Fig. 6.4. Test data and calculation of air chamber plasma torch 113
Fig. 7.1. Process of Pyrolysis and plasma melting 138
Fig. 7.2. Combustion characteristics of pyrolysis system 144
Fig. 8.1. Temperature of pyrolysis chamber 147
Fig. 8.2. Pressure change of pyrolysis time 148
Fig. 8.3. Aging variation of vitrification slag 151
Fig. 8.4. Variation of slag basicity 151
Fig. 8.5. 2nd aging variation of slag and basicity 151
Fig. 8.6. 3nd aging variation of slag and basicity variation 152
Fig. 8.7. 4th aging variation of slag and basicity variation 152
Fig. 8.8. 5th aging variation of slag and basicity variation 152
Fig. 8.9. Slag shap by cooling condition 154
Fig. 8.10. Temperature of 2nd combustor 154
Fig. 8.11. Electric current, voltage of plasma torch 155
Fig. 8.12. Efficiency of plasma torch 157
Fig. 8.13. Result of stack gas(TMS) 158
Fig. 8.14. Bricks made of slag 161
List of Table
Table. 2.1. Generation of Municipal solid waste 22
Table. 2.2. Treatment method of Municipal solid waste 23
Table. 2.3. Strength and weekness of wastes incineration 25
Table. 2.4. Characteristics of incineration system 30
Table. 2.5. Gasification and melting system of pusher type 35
Table. 2.6. Gasification and melting system of rotary kilm type 36
Table. 2.7. DMS gasification and melting system 39
Table. 2.8. Ebara fluidiged bed gasification system 41
Table. 2.9. Pyrolysis and melting system 42
Table. 3.1. Standard Gibbs free energy change of everything gas reactions 45
Table. 3.2. Relationship between PCO₂/Pco and log Po₂, log O₂ at CO, C0₂, O₂, C(g) equilibrium gas phase 52
Table. 3.3. Relationship between P H₂O/ P H₂, and logp O₂, at H₂ ,H₂O(g), O₂ equilibrium gas phase(이미지참조) 54
Table. 3.4. Relationship between pressure and component of equilibrium gas phase at C(s) + CO₂↔ (이미지참조) 2CO reaction 65
Table. 3.5. Relationship between pressure and equilibrium gas phase at C(s) + 2H₂ = CHreaction 76
Table. 3.6. Relationship between a c and component of equilibrium gas phase at C(g) + 2H₂= CHreaction 78
Table. 4.1. Acidic, neutrality, basic oxides of slag 89
Table. 4.2. Network chain model 91
Table. 4.3. Model of discontinuity 92
Table. 4.4. Example of basic concept according to molecule theory 95
Table. 5.1. Pyrolysis products of MSW 1 ton(870℃) 97
Table. 5.2. Pyrolysis of organic substance by temperature 102
Table. 7.1. Analysis data of municipal solid waste 115
Table. 7.2. The analysis conditions of MK-2 121
Table. 7.3. Experimental conditions for ICP-Mass measurement 125
Table. 7.4. Specification of important facilities 136
Table. 7.5. Operation condition 139
Table. 8.1. Input of municipal solid waste 147
Table. 8.2. Average temperature of pyrolysis chamber 148
Table. 8.3. Average pressure of pyrolysis chamber 148
Table. 8.4. Pyrolysis gases of waste 149
Table. 8.5. Analysis result of pyrolysis ash 149
Table. 8.6. Temperature of melting furmace 150
Table. 8.7. Chemical composition and basicity of melting slag 150
Table. 8.8. Heavy metal leaching test of slag 153
Table. 8.9. Carbon composition of slag 153
Table. 8.10. Average temperature distribution of 2nd combustior 155
Table. 8.11. Electric current, voltage of plasma torch 156
Table. 8.12. Flux of plasma gas 156
Table. 8.13. Abrasion rate of plasma torch electrod(kg/sec) 156
Table. 8.14. Average data of stack gas(TMS) 159
Table. 8.15. Result of dioxin analysis 159
Table. 8.16. Emission gas from stack 160
Table. 9.1. Comparison of incineration by pyrolysis and melting 162
Table. 9.2. Melting efficiency according to thermal source 163
Table. 9.3. Comparison of plasma torch 164
Table. 9.4. Comparison of melting system 1 164
Table. 9.5. Comparison of melting furnace system 2 167

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